University of Miami

Play enjoys working with University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Science, providing art direction, design and development for their marketing collateral in print, direct mail and in digital form (email marketing). Play's Brett Player states, "Rosenstiel School's story is so compelling and impactful on our understanding of our oceans, hurricanes and marine life. Hence, the marketing needs to tell this narrative, be energetic and exciting. It's our intention that this approach will directly translate into increased engagement."

Additionally, Play has worked across the University with other entities. Seen directly below is the College of Engineering overview, designed for both print and digital.

Above. This came as a complete surprise to see the logo that Play developed on the House floor! One of our favorite moments.

Sea Secrets, UM’s annual speaker series comprises of a unique folding poster, online magazine, social, web and email promotions ,and presentation graphics.

Frontiers is the Rosenstiel School’s newsletter and is produced both in print and in digital form.