Play reviews your audience and figures out their habits, where they go and how to reach them. We then custom tailor a plan for you to ensure you are getting your message to the right person. Going in, we do not have a preconceived notion as to where we can connect, digital or traditional or both. We do this through leveraging media research tools in the planning stage and then match that data with your budget, tailoring a media plan for you.

Play's media partner has been buying and placing media in the southeast for decades in large volume for clients like McDonald’s. This knowledge, understanding and long-term relationships with Atlanta’s media people is a huge advantage for you in getting the best price around media.

  • strategy & planning

  • buying & placement

  • digital & programmatic




  • social

  • print & OUTDOOR


Media planning and media buying are two important processes in advertising that help companies reach their target audience through various media channels.

Media planning involves the strategic selection of media channels such as television, radio, print, digital, social media, and outdoor advertising, to deliver a message to the target audience. It is the process of identifying the most effective media channels and creating a plan to use them in a cost-effective way to reach the target audience with the message.

Media buying, on the other hand, is the process of actually purchasing the advertising space or time on the selected media channels. It involves negotiating and securing the best deals for the advertising space or time, based on factors such as reach, frequency, and cost-effectiveness. Media buying can involve a range of tasks, from negotiating rates and placements, to tracking and analyzing the performance of the campaign.

Media planning and buying are crucial for any advertising campaign as they help ensure that the message reaches the right audience, at the right time, and in the most effective and cost-efficient way possible.